Glendon's Clean Slate - Vote March 29-31!
Glendon's Clean Slate - Vote March 29-31!
Your Clean Slate is...

Jonathan Yoani Kuiper


Peter McKenna
Vice President

Ali Khan
Director, Academic Affairs

Célia Jutras
Director, Bilingual Affairs

Adam King
Director, Communications

Roberto Alvarez
Director, Cultural Affairs

Natalie Riggs
Director, External Affairs

Find out more about
what Clean Slate stands for

Natalie Riggs
Position Director, External Affairs
Programme Canadian Studies
Graduates 2006-2007

It is often overlooked that what the GCSU does could have implications for other groups. Using 3 C's is important: Cooperation, collaboration, and communication. These tools will be used to restore friendly relations between GCSU and all external bodies. Glendon is a college with much potential and should be recognized as such; let's show what Glendon Students are capable of!

There is a need for the GCSU to re-establish positive relations and connections with the Glendon and York Administrations, but also to establish communication not only with the student unions at York, but also with other student unions since there is much we can learn from them. Further, post-secondary education is currently a topic of much debate for the Ontario provincial government and the GCSU should ensure that Glendon Students are well informed on the issues being discussed and policy that is being changed. To accomplish this, there needs to be more interaction between the GCSU, the students of Glendon, and external bodies.

If Elected, I Will ...
  • Host a reception for Glendon Students, Glendon Administration, the YFS, and members of the York Administration involved with Glendon to encourage communication and interaction.
  • Host events at Glendon for Glendon Students and York Students to encourage not only communication between members of both unions, but also to display to the YFS the unique aspects of Glendon campus.
  • Establish a functioning External Affairs Committee and invite not only students to participate, but also speakers who are well informed in education policy and concerns, be they from government, academia, or other student unions.
  • Residence Council
  • Office of Student Affairs
  • Music teacher
  • Church schoolteacher
You Can Hold Me To My Constitutional Duties
  • 18. Director of External Affairs
    1. The Director of External Affairs shall aid and assist the President in the Council's dealings with the administration of York University and the Council of York Student Federation (CYSF), and shall endeavour to maintain a liaison with other students union, associations, and organizations within York University;
    2. Shall be responsible for relations between the Council and national and provincial student organizations;
    3. Shall be responsible for the relations between the Council and other students unions, associations and organizations in Canada, and international, if need be;
    4. Shall endeavour to monitor the function of the Ministries of Education and Colleges and Universities with a view to keeping the Council informed of developments in post-secondary education at the governmental level;
    5. Shall monitor the function of organizations concerned with the university system and university education in Ontario, such as COU and ACUA, and shall present to them, whenever necessary, the concerns and opinions of the Council;
    6. Shall act as a liaison with the Glendon Chapter of the York Alumni Associations, when so directed by the Council;
    7. Shall advise the Council on which campaigns to initiate and/or support, and shall represent the Council in such campaigns;
    8. Shall be responsible for organizing campaigns sponsored, or initiated by the Council;
    9. Shall be responsible for the Council's relations and dealings with the faculty and staff associations/unions in the University and in the province;
    10. Shall be the Chairperson of the External Affairs Committee;
    11. Shall deal with all issues having a bilingual aspect which fall under his/her portfolio along with the Director of Bilingual Affairs

Thank you for becoming an informed voter. Nous vous remercions d'avoir pris le temps de vous informer et d'être un électeur averti.