Glendon's Clean Slate - Vote March 29-31!
Glendon's Clean Slate - Vote March 29-31!
Your Clean Slate is...

Jonathan Yoani Kuiper


Peter McKenna
Vice President

Ali Khan
Director, Academic Affairs

Célia Jutras
Director, Bilingual Affairs

Adam King
Director, Communications

Roberto Alvarez
Director, Cultural Affairs

Natalie Riggs
Director, External Affairs

Find out more about
what Clean Slate stands for


Thank you for voting - and thank you for your support!

We are all so humbled by the trust that has been placed in us. We are already working hard to make sure the coming year sees the kinds of change we all want.

Here's who won ...
  • President: Jonathan Yoani Kuiper

  • Vice-President: Peter McKenna

  • Director, Academic Affairs: Acclaimed - Ali Khan

  • Director, Bilingual Affairs: Célia Jutras

  • Director, Clubs and Services: Acclaimed - Bertrand Valéry

  • Director, Communications: TIE! A by-election will be held in the fall!

  • Director, Cultural Affairs: Acclaimed - Roberto Alvarez

  • Director, External Affairs: Natalie Riggs

Thank you for becoming an informed voter. Nous vous remercions d'avoir pris le temps de vous informer et d'être un électeur averti.